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Josie Pattishall

Race Announcer
Lance MacDonald

Lance MacDonald

Race Announcer

Patrick Rossiter

Daniel Paz

Daniel Paz

Event Logistics
Gene Shrout Jr.
Gene Shrout Jr.

Gene Shrout Jr.

Event Logistics

Keenan White

<h5 data-aos-delay="300" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="800" data-aos-once="true">Professional Skills</h5> Completely evisculate stand alone expertise through revolutionary strategic are theme areas fashion impactful paradigms for process centric relationships with whiteboard seamless intellectual capital with methods. <a> View More </a> Product Design Growth Analysis Brand Management Expertise <h5 data-aos-delay="300" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="800" data-aos-once="true">Technical Experience</h5> Completely evisculate stand alone expertise through revolutionary strategic are theme areas fashion impactful paradigms for process centric relationships with whiteboard seamless intellectual capital with methods. <a> View More </a> <h2>Business Expert</h2> 2016 - Present (Finbiz) 1<small>st</small> <h2>Finance Manager</h2> 2014 - Present (Finbiz) 2<small>nd</small> <h2>Junior Technician</h2> 2016 - Present (Finbiz) 3<small>rd</small> <h2>Junior Architect</h2> 2016 - Present (Finbiz) 4<small>th</small>